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  • sourcedate 2024-05-19

Free download Rally Car APK for Android

Description of Rally Car Race on a dirt track between rocks and trees again74rummy.comst the clock.The idea is to race around the track in as fast a time as possible. Your time is recorded and shown at the end of your run in yellow at the bottom of the screen on your 'dashboard'. The track is divided into sectors and this is also shown on your dashboard in blue. Each sector of track you cross, adds 1 to this figure. If you go on the scrub land and miss out any sections of track then these will be added as time penalties at the end. At the end of your timed run a total time figure will appear in green plus any penalty time points. Can be played on a phone but best played on a tablet.

Version history Rally Car New in Rally Car 1.53 API update. Please rate this app

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