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  • sourcedate 2024-05-18

Free download CHECKERS - DAMAS GAME 3D APK for Android

Description of CHECKERS - DAMAS GAME 3D CHECKERS - DAMAS GAME 3D (also known as Draughts or Checkers or dames gratuit) is a variant of the Draughts game family played mainly in espagne and Northern Africa. The board game does not need special representation, as well as, for example, the backgammon, chess or cards game. Checkers is a challenging board game that can train your logic and strategic skills. Challenge your strategic skills with this relaxing game.The game rules:* White always moves first. * Men move one square diagonally forward. Should they reach the file farthest from the player to which they belong, they become kings.* Kings can move forward or back one square, again only diagonally.* Capturing is mandatory.* The huffing rule was removed from the official rules. * Men may only capture diagonally forward, and can capture a maximum of three pieces in a row. * Kings move, as well as capture, backwards; also, they are immune to men. They can only be captured by other kings.* A player wins when he has succeeded in capturing all of his opponent's pieces, or if his opponent resigns. * A draw occurs when neither player can theoretically take an opposing piece.Dear Player,I hope you like the game to the point that I like to create it :). Constantly I am improving and updating my application, I try to ensure that the ladies works as fast and as efficiently as possible on each phone. And more, you can get this application for free.So I managed to set up different rules:Dear Player,I hope you like the game to the point that I like to create it :). ConstaDragon Tiger livently I am improving and updating my application, I try to ensure that the ladies works as fast and as efficiently as possible on each phone. And more, you can get this application for free.So I managed to set up different rules:- Dames françaises;- ou Dames anglaises.- Dames checkers,- Dames Espagnole, - DamesAmericain.- DamesRusse - Dames Bresilien,- Dames Italien , - Dames internationale,- DamesTurque ,- Dames Thai,- Dames TurqueTchequeIn Settings, you can change all the rules - to determine whether you accept the catch back or catch mandatory.I wish you had a good match!Regards,Didivas - authorPS If you like my Ladies, please rate 5 ★★★★★

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