
  • source Admin
  • browse 99
  • sourcedate 2024-05-15

Post Office Tracking

Rastreio Correios

Tracking postal objects without filling out captcha. Easy and free.

Have you made a purchase (national or international) or are you waiting for an important document to be delivered by the Post Office? Use the Tracking Site and identify the location of your package.

Websites application:


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Simply enter the tracking code to obtain information about BlackJack Play and a specific object or enter your CPF to identify objects linked to your CPF.

Remembering that, when consulting using the CPF, only objects will be listed in which the sender or store informed their CPF at the time of shipment.

The Rastreio Site is an alternative website to the official Correios website that allows users to have a better experience in tracking objects, whether national or international objects. In addition to enabling entrepreneurs and e-commerce owners to provide tracking links to their customers. It's faster, easier and completely free.

Finally, you can even create your personalized list with multiple tracks to track them all at once. Fast, easy and completely free.

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