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  • sourcedate 2024-05-07

Partia 3 – Download game for iOS

Game overviewPartia 3: The Knight of Partia is a stand-alone, SRPG game with 30 stages and over 30 hours of gameplay. It's a labor of love for fans of Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga.Game description generated withAIPartia 3, also known as The Knight of Partia, is an SRPG game that draws inspiration from the Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga series. This game takes the audience on an incredible high-fantasy adventure where magic and swords collide, and players must navigate a world where friendship and betrayal intertwine.As the third and final installment of the Partia series, The Knight of Partia allows players to immerse themselves in a fantastic game world without requiring any prior knowledge of the preceding games. With thirty unique stages (including five hidden ones), this game provides anVirtual Currency impressive thirty to a hundred hours of gameplay, giving you your money's worth.While The Knight of Partia may not be the most visually stunning game in the iOS app store and may lack the large, sprite-animated battles characteristic of the Fire Emblem series, it is undoubtedly a labor of love. Dustin, the game's creator, invested his free time and vacation hours for five long years to create this masterpiece's final chapter.Although players may initially notice the occasional buggy UI and subpar graphics quality, these minor faults become less noticeable as players progress through the game. Dustin's devotion to the Partia series is evident in the game's fun and engaging gameplay experience, making it a must-play game for fans of the Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga series.Dustin created The Knight of Partia as a paid game, with no advertising, in-app purchases, or hidden fees. Dustin didn't include any tracking, believing that there was little point in doing so, given that Partia 2 sold a mere 2k copies in five years. Sadly, Partia may not have achieved commercial success, but it stands as a testament to Dustin's dedication.In conclusion, The Knight of Partia is a game for lovers of the SRPG genre who don't demand perfect graphics and aesthetics. If you're looking for a challenging, unique, and fun experience, give this game a try, and let Dustin know your thoughts!Show more