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  • sourcedate 2024-05-06

Free download Ritual Sate Gagak APK for Android

  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
  • Ritual Sate Gagak
Description of Ritual Sate Gagak

This time, a typical Indonesian Android horror game entitled Ritual of Pesugihan Sate Crow tells the continuation of the story of Ngarip Subroto (Arip) after being chased by the White Crocodile and separated from Agung.

At first Arip took an angkot, because I was really tired and wanted to be able to go home soon, he said he wanted to rent the angkot as well. When asked how much it would cost if he wanted to rent, the driver said it was free but Arip had to help find two villagers who were missing because they had carried out the Sate Crow ritual.

Can Arip find the two missing residDragon Tiger Rummyents? What is the fate of the people who carry out these mystical rituals?

Cekidot play the game guys.

Version history Ritual Sate Gagak New in Ritual Sate Gagak 1.4.4 Bug fix coin purchase featureNew in Ritual Sate Gagak 1.4.2 Try In-App Coin Purchase featureNew in Ritual Sate Gagak 1.3.6 - Eror di sebagian hp sudah dibenerin.
- Bayangan obyek di Desa Sate dihilangin biar ngga bikin ngelag
- Bug Fix: Angkot dah ngga nyangkut di kuburan lagi
- Bug Fix: Angkot udah ga bisa nabrak kuyang lagi
- Angkot dan mobil pickup selalu ada menemanimu.
- Kunci angkot gampang dicarinya.
- Kalau ga bisa diupdate, game yang lama dihapus dulu baru install yang baru Please rate this app