
  • source Admin
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  • sourcedate 2024-05-05

Free download Kviz znanja APK for Android

  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
  • Kviz znanja
Description of Kviz znanja

What do you think is the level of your knowledge? Download this knowledge quiz in Croatian and check it. Through several hundred questions, show what and how much you really know about Croatia and the world.

This small and fun Quiz of knowledge in Croatian contains many fun questions from various categories such as: general culture, art, architecture, history, geography, sports, food and drink, literature, science... A little bit of everything. Some of them may seem difficult to you and some of them completely easy. It all depends on how much you know and how wide your knowledge of various facts is.

Take this Knowledge Quiz as a little challenge that can prepare you for the Pub Quizzes at your favorite local coffee shop, or simply see it as a distraction to kill some time while riding the tram, bus or train.

You won't believe the correct answer for some questions. But don't worry, you don't have a time limit and this Knowledge Quiz doesn't want to put any pressure on you in any other way. You can even skip levels and immediately start from the last one.

Even if you manage to answer all the questions, don't worry we will add more regularly.

This Knowledge Quiz is completely free and does not require inter7upDown net!!! So you can install and play in airplane mode even where you may not have an internet signal or WiFi access.

Version history Kviz znanja New in KVIZ ZNANJA 1.03 Dodano još 200 pitanja iz raznih kategorija! Pitanja imaju raspon od prelaganih do onih za koja ćete trebati pomoć da znate točan odgovor.

Sada nas možete ocijeniti izravno iz samog kviza.
Ispravci manjih greškica za neke specifične modele uređaja.New in KVIZ ZNANJA 1.02 Ispravci manjih bugića na nekim levelima. Please rate this app