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  • sourcedate 2024-05-05

Free download Woop APK for Android

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  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
  • Woop
Description of Woop

Woop is ready in a brand new version. We have updated the app with a number of new cool features and made it even more fun to explore and become wiser about nature.

Find items in nature, solve tasks, make your own woop hunts and compete against others with Woop on your phone.
Woop can be used for everything from the picnic and teaching to the scout meeting and the child's birthday.

Go on adventures and compete with your friends
You can Woope alone or with your friends. Choose a hunt near you or use a gamepin to share or join a hunt. If you need to participate in a hunt, you can easily participate as a guest user completely without creating a user.

Create or select a task set
Create your own fun content in Woop or use task sets made by our cool partners. You can also explore the exciting hunts already in the app, copy them and make them your very own.

Place records and you are ready to woope
Once you have created or selected a task set, all you have to do is put the GPS records on the map and choose which tasks to associate the records with. Black Jack Now you are ready to go on a Woop hunt with your friends!
Get help and inspiration at

Version history Woop New in Woop App 4.2.0 Woop has been updated! * We have made sure that you can now create a hunt directly from a task set, and no longer have to start from the front page. 
• We have also made it possible to follow a link directly to a task set made by Woop's partners. 
• You can also follow a link directly to a hunt created by one of Woop's partners.New in Woop App 4.1.1 We have fired up the speed in Woop, so you can now quickly find a cool task set for your hunt.New in Woop App 4.0.1 Woop has been updated!
We've made the app faster, so you no longer have to wait for your favorite hunts to load. At the same time, we have also ensured that the app does not crash.
The hunts on the map have been gathered in clusters, so you can more easily find a hunt in your area.
Are you looking for a cool task set for your hunt? You will now find the latest task sets from our cool partners at the top of the list.New in Woop App 4.0.0 We have relaunched Woop with a lot of new cool features.
Use the game pin to share a hunt with your friends so you can Woope together.
- Place items at home from the couch.
- Add video to the tasks.
- Add bonus info that pops up when a question has been answered.
- Choose whether to access the records in your hunt in numerical or random order.
- Use one of the fun ready-made task sets from partners, so you only have to set the records.
Get help and inspiration at www.woopapp.dkNew in Woop App 3.2.0 TargetSdkVersion updateNew in Woop App 3.1.2 We work continuously to make the app better for you. This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements.New in Woop App 3.1.1 We work continuously to make the app better for you. This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements.New in Woop App 3.0.12 We are constantly working to make the app better for you. This update contains minor bug fixes and improvements. Please rate this app