
  • source Admin
  • browse 84
  • sourcedate 2024-05-05

Free download 每日腦點心 APK for Android

  • 每日腦點心
  • 每日腦點心
Description of 每日腦點心

Daily Brain Snack is a cognitive training game jointly developed by the Brain and JungleeRummy Language Laboratory of the Language Institute of the Academia Sinica, the Human Memory Laboratory and the Visual Cognition Laboratory of the National Center for Cognition University, and the Eye Movement and Reading Laboratory of the National Chengchi University. There are five categories of mini-games (attention, memory, mathematics, cognition, and language), which can be easily played by both the elderly and children. Let's enjoy daily brain snacks full of nutrition from now on!

Version history 每日腦點心 New in com.gleammax.train 1.2.1 -增加重大訊息功能
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