
  • source Admin
  • browse 74
  • sourcedate 2024-05-04

Free download PirateJump APK for Android

  • PirateJump
  • PirateJump
  • PirateJump
  • PirateJump
  • PirateJump
  • PirateJump
Description of PirateJump

How to play? The task of the game is to get more gifts. You stand on a small island and need to jump to a small island in the distance. Different jumping routes will encounter different fate. If you jump accurately, you can reach the next island smoothly. And there will be rewards. On the route you jumped through, we set a lot of gifts. Of course, we will also set up bombs on the road. Will you run into a bomb or harvest a gift? Come and see your luck. If you choose the wrong route, you may fall into the sea. I hope you have fun.

Version history7up Down PirateJump New in PirateJump 3.0 fix bugs:
Solve the problem that the game cannot start
Compatible with various mobile phone versions Please rate this app