
  • source Admin
  • browse 72
  • sourcedate 2024-04-28

Free download Achtung, die Kurve! APK for Android

Description of Achtung, die Kurve!

The classic Achtung die rummy64.comKurve Game! Also known as Zatacka.

Players control the lines with the buttons onscreen. The goal is to not hit the borders or other players and be the last one to survive!

The game has 2, 3, or 4 player mode. 2 player mode should work on most devices with multitouch. 3 or 4 player mode does not work on all devices!

For multiplayer vs AI buy the Pro version. Bluetooth multiplayer will be in 3.0 Pro. The beta of the 3.0 pro version will be downloadable from my website soon for Pro users (

Version history Achtung, die Kurve! New in Achtung, die Kurve! 3.02 3.00:Updated graphics.New kurve colors.More game options (kurve radius).Totally rebuilt game engine.New collision detection system.3.02:Fixed garbage collection problem Please rate this app